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  • ItemOpen Access
    Eritrea and northern Ethiopia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    African continent showing country names, including the newly named Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland - officially changed April 19, 2019)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Northern Africa
    Colour relief map of Northern Africa.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Southern Africa
    Southern Africa updated with the newly named Eswatini (formerly Swaziland - officially changed April 19, 2019) - with colour elevation.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Historic Southern Africa
    Historic Southern Africa pre 1910.
  • ItemOpen Access
    East Africa - Lake Victoria region
    The East Africa region surrounding Lake Victoria which sits within the borders of Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Southern Angola
    Colour relief map of Southern Angola from Namibia to the border with Zambia showing the river systems and main roads.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Colour elevation map of Namibia showing main towns, roads and railway lines.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Namibia, Bantustan
    Bantustan (also known as Bantu homeland or black homeland) in northern Namibia.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Red Sea Area
    Colour relief map of the northern Red Sea bordering the countries of Egypt and Sudan in the west and Jordan and Saudi Arabia in the east.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Administration map of Rwanda
    Provinces, roads and rivers of Rwanda.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The main rivers and cities of Rwanda.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Colour elevation map of Uganda showing provincial capital cites, borders, rivers and a selection of major towns.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Colour elevation map of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) showing provincial capital cites, provincial borders and a selection of major towns.