Alistair Riddell: Atlantic Fears (1983)




Composer: Alistair Riddell

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Canberra School of Music, Australian National University


"Atlantic Fears was written for a specially prepared modified piano. The instrument has wooden hammers and an unusual dampening method for the strings. It was constructed in order to take advantage of operation under computer control which meant extended performance capabilities and a greater degree of control over acoustic events. Atlantic Fears has three main sections. The first is made up of an opening thematic group followed by bridging material. The second thematic group is followed by the return of earlier bridging material with some variation. In the final phase the earlier two groups of thematic material are overlaid. A process of compression begins in vhich the tempo is increased and the ttack characteristics are changed. In this type of stretto the motives are presented in free major functions. First, it translates a higher level repentation of the work into a data type that the computer sends to the instrument. Second, it performs this machine level form of the score, by interpreting the score timings inherent in it and sending data to the instrument. These operations are quite separate, although they belong to the same software system which, incidentally, is no longer used. Atlantic Fears is the result of a fusion of technology with a traditional instrumental medium, and is thus an expression of the application of the new to the old. In this respect it simply reflects the invisible and omnipresent use of technology in contemporary society." -- Alistair Riddell



Classical Music




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