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ItemOpen Access
Abyssal ocean overturning slowdown and warming driven by Antarctic meltwater
(Springer Nature, 2023) Li, Qian; England, Matthew; Hogg, Andy; Rintoul, Stephen R.; Morrison, Adele
The abyssal ocean circulation is a key component of the global meridional overturning circulation, cycling heat, carbon, oxygen and nutrients throughout the world ocean1,2. The strongest historical trend observed in the abyssal ocean is warming at high southern latitudes2,3,4, yet it is unclear what processes have driven this warming, and whether this warming is linked to a slowdown in the ocean’s overturning circulation. Furthermore, attributing change to specific drivers is difficult owing to limited measurements, and because coupled climate models exhibit biases in the region5,6,7. In addition, future change remains uncertain, with the latest coordinated climate model projections not accounting for dynamic ice-sheet melt. Here we use a transient forced high-resolution coupled ocean–sea-ice model to show that under a high-emissions scenario, abyssal warming is set to accelerate over the next 30 years. We find that meltwater input around Antarctica drives a contraction of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), opening a pathway that allows warm Circumpolar Deep Water greater access to the continental shelf. The reduction in AABW formation results in warming and ageing of the abyssal ocean, consistent with recent measurements. In contrast, projected wind and thermal forcing has little impact on the properties, age and volume of AABW. These results highlight the critical importance of Antarctic meltwater in setting the abyssal ocean overturning, with implications for global ocean biogeochemistry and climate that could last for centuries.
ItemOpen Access
Segmentation and Radial Anisotropy of the Deep Crustal Magmatic System Beneath the Cascades Arc
(American Geophysical Union, 2023) Jiang, Chengxin; Schmandt, Brandon; Abers, G. A.; Kiser, Eric; Miller, Meghan
Volcanic arcs consist of many distinct vents that are ultimately fueled by the common melting processes in the subduction zone mantle wedge. Seismic imaging of crustal-scale magmatic systems can provide insight into how melt is organized in the deep crust and eventually focused beneath distinct vents as it ascends and evolves. Here, we investigate the crustal-scale structure beneath a section of the Cascades arc spanning four major stratovolcanoes: Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helens (MSH), Mt. Adams (MA), and Mt. Rainier, based on ambient noise data from 234 seismographs. Simultaneous inversion of Rayleigh and Love wave dispersion constrains the isotropic shear velocity (Vs) and identifies radially anisotropic structures. Isotropic Vs shows two sub-parallel low-Vs zones (∼3.45–3.55 km/s) at ∼15–30 km depth with one connecting Mt. Rainier to MA, and another connecting MSH to Mt. Hood, which are interpreted as deep crustal magma reservoirs containing up to ∼2.5%–6% melt, assuming near-equilibrium melt geometry. Negative radial anisotropy, from vertical fractures like dikes, is prevalent in this part of the Cascadia, but is interrupted by positive radial anisotropy, from subhorizontal features like sills, extending vertically beneath MA and Mt. Rainier at ∼10–30 km depth and weaker and west-dipping positive anisotropy beneath MSH. The positive anisotropy regions are adjacent to rather than co-located with the isotropic low-Vs anomalies. Ascending melt that stalled and mostly crystallized in sills with possible compositional differences from the country rock may explain the near-average Vs and positive radial anisotropy adjacent to the active deep crustal magma reservoirs.
ItemOpen Access
Characterisation of Methane Production Pathways in Sediment of Overwashed Mangrove Forests
(MDPI Publishing, 2023) Ulumuddin, Yaya Ihya; Sugoro, Irawan; Beavis, Sara; Roderick, Michael; Eggins, Stephen; Rizky Muarif , Muhammad
Methane (CH4) emissions in mangrove ecosystems may complicate the ecosystem’s potential carbon offset for climate change mitigation. Microbial processes and the mass balance of CH4 in mangrove sediment are responsible for the emissions from the ecosystems. This is the follow up of our previous research which found the super saturation of CH4 in the pore water of mangrove sediment compared to atmospheric CH4 and the lack of a correlation between pore water sulphate and CH4 concentrations. This study is going to investigate methane production pathways in the sediment of overwashed mangrove forests. Two approaches were used to study methanogens here: (1) the spread plate count method and the quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method, and (2) laboratory experiments with additional methanogenic substrates (methanol, acetate, and hydrogen) to determine which substrates are more conducive to methane production. According to the qPCR method, methanogen abundance ranged from 72 to 6 × 105 CFU g−1 sediment, while SRB abundance ranged from 2 × 102 to 2 × 105 CFU g−1 sediment. According to the plate count method, the abundance of methylotrophic methanogens (the only group of methanogens capable of competing with SRBs) ranged from 8.3 × 102 to 5.1 × 104 CFU g−1, which is higher than the abundance of the other group of methanogens (0 to 7.7 × 102 CFU g−1). The addition of methanol to the sediment slurry, a substrate for methylotropic methanogens, resulted in a massive production of CH4 (up to 9 × 104 ppm) and intriguingly the control treatments with autoclaving did not kill methanogens. These findings suggested that mangrove ecosystems in the marine environment provide favourable conditions for methanogens and further characterisation of the methanogen involved in the process is required. As a result, future research in this ecosystem should include methane production in carbon offset calculations, particularly due to methylotropic methanogenesis.
ItemOpen Access
Atomic structure and physical properties of peridotite glasses at 1 bar
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2023) Le Losq, Charles; Sossi, Paolo A.
Earth’s mantle, whose bulk composition is broadly peridotitic, likely experienced periods of extensive melting in its early history that formed magma oceans and led to its differentiation and formation of an atmosphere. However, the physical behaviour of magma oceans is poorly understood, as the high liquidus temperatures and rapid quench rates required to preserve peridotite liquids as glasses have so far limited their investigation. In order to better characterize the atomic structure and estimate the physical properties of such glasses, we examined the Raman spectra of quenched peridotite melts, equilibrated at 1900 °C ± 50 °C at ambient pressure under different oxygen fugacities (fO2), from 1.9 log units below to 6.0 log units above the Iron-Wüstite buffer. Fitting the spectra with Gaussian components assigned to different molecular entities (Q-species) permits extraction of the mean state of polymerisation of the glass. We find that the proportions of Q1 (0.36–0.32), Q2 (0.50–0.43), and Q3 (0.16–0.23) vary with Fe3+/FeTOT (FeTOT = Fe2+ + Fe3+), where increasing Fe3+/FeTOT produces an increase in Q3 at the expense of Q2 at near-constant Q1. To account for the offset between Raman-derived NBO/T (2.06–2.27) with those determined by assuming Fe2+ exists entirely as a network modifier and Fe3+ a network former (2.10–2.44), ∼2/3 of the ferric iron and ∼90% of the ferrous iron in peridotite glasses must behave as network modifiers. We employ a deep neural network model, trained to predict alkali and alkaline-earth aluminosilicate melts properties, to observe how small variations in the atomic structure of peridotite-like melts affect their viscosity. For Fe-free peridotite-like melts, the model yields a viscosity of ∼ −1.75 log Pa s at 2000 °C, similar to experimental determinations for iron-bearing peridotite melts. The model predicts that changes in the peridotite melt atomic structure with Fe3+/FeTOT yield variations in melt viscosity lower than 0.1 log Pa s, barely affecting the Rayleigh number. Therefore, at the high temperatures typical of magma oceans, at least at 1 bar, small changes in melt structure from variations in oxidation state are unlikely to affect magma ocean fluid dynamics.
ItemOpen Access
From the Surface Ocean to the Seafloor: Linking Modern and Paleo-Genetics at the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica (IN2017_V01)
(American Geophysical Union, 2023) Armbrecht, Linda; Focardi, Amaranta; Lawler, Kelly; O'Brien, Phillip; Leventer, Amy; Noble, T L; Opdyke, Bradley; Duffy, Meghan; Evangelinos, Dimitris; George, Simon; Lieser, Jan; Lopez-Quiros, Adrian; Post, A; Armand, Leanne
With ongoing climate change, research into the biological changes occurring in particularly vulnerable ecosystems, such as Antarctica, is critical. The Totten Glacier region, Sabrina Coast, is currently experiencing some of the highest rates of thinning across all East Antarctica. An assessment of the microscopic organisms supporting the ecosystem of the marginal sea-ice zone over the continental rise is important, yet there is a lack of knowledge about the diversity and distribution of these organisms throughout the water column, and their occurrence and/or preservation in the underlying sediments. Here, we provide a taxonomic overview of the modern and ancient marine bacterial and eukaryotic communities of the Totten Glacier region, using a combination of 16S and 18S rRNA amplicon sequencing (modern DNA) and shotgun metagenomics (sedimentary ancient DNA, sedaDNA). Our data show considerable differences between eukaryote and bacterial signals in the water column versus the sediments. Proteobacteria and diatoms dominate the bacterial and eukaryote composition in the upper water column, while diatoms, dinoflagellates, and haptophytes notably decrease in relative abundance with increasing water depth. Little diatom sedaDNA is preserved in the sediments, which are instead dominated by Proteobacteria and Retaria. We compare the diatom microfossil and sedaDNA record and link the weak preservation of diatom sedaDNA to DNA degradation while sinking through the water column to the seafloor. This study provides the first assessment of DNA transfer from ocean waters to sediments and an overview of the microscopic communities occurring in the climatically important Totten Glacier region.